Ultrasonic on Environment list 2023

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland

The Ultrasonic Antifouling System is on the Environmental List MIA/VAMIL 2023 of the RVO. With this you can qualify for a serious investment deduction that can amount to 45% MIA / 75% VAMIL when purchasing the ultrasonic system. You can find the ultrasonic system under code F3333.

With the Environmental Investment Deduction (MIA) you can deduct up to 45% of the investment costs for an environmentally friendly investment on top of your regular investment tax deductions.

With the Arbitrary depreciation of environmental investments (Vamil) you can decide when to write off 75% of your investment costs. This gives you an advantage in liquidity and interest. This can even be done in the year of purchase. In the year in which it is written off, you reduce the taxable profit. As a result, you have to pay less income or corporation tax for the year in which you depreciate more.

All LSC ultrasonic products qualify for the MIA and Vamil schemes.

For more information, please refer to the RVO website: