LSC at Maritime Industry Gorinchem 2024

Maritime Industry will start next week! We will be there again this year. Would you like to know how we can prevent fouling and reduce your costs with our Ultrasonic Antifouling System?Then come to stand A124 in the Gorinchem event hall on May 28, 29 & 30.The coffee is ready. Free entrance tickets can be […]
LSC op Beurs Aqua Nederland 2024

Afgelopen week stond het LSC team op de beurs Aqua Nederland 2024 in Evenementenhal Gorinchem. Wij willen iedereen die onze stand heeft bezocht bedanken voor de aandacht en goede gesprekken. De volgende beurs die op onze agenda staat is: Maritime Industry 2024. Deze beurs vind plaats op 28, 29 & 30 mei 2024 in Evenementenhal […]
De overheid steunt de innovaties in de visserijsector

De visserijsector is van essentieel belang maar het is ook een uitdagende en kostbare industrie. In een positieve ontwikkeling maakte het RVO op dinsdag 22 augustus 2023 een subsidie van 20 miljoen euro beschikbaar aan de visserijsector. De subsidieregeling ‘Minder energieverbruik in de visserij (EnergieVis)’ is gericht op het verduurzamen en modernizeren van de visserij. […]
EU sets aside 20 million Euros for less energy consumption in fishing industry

The European Union has recently made 20 million Euros available to promote energy saving in the fishing industry. This grant offers fishermen an unique opportunity to embrace sustainable technolgies and reduce the environmental impact of their activities. One of these technologies is the Ultrasonic Antifouling System. The purchase of the ultrasonic antifouling system falls under […]
New colleague

Introducing: Our new colleague! Kim Vullings started at LSC this month as a Management Assistant and she is looking forward to meeting you in the field. We would like to welcome Kim to our team and wish her lots of success and pleasure in her new role at Lamers System Care!
Exhibition period: LSC on Aqua Nederland, Maintenance NEXT and Maritime Industry

It’s been a busy few months for LSC with no less than 3 exhibitions in 3 months. We were present at Aqua Nederland, Maintenance NEXT and Maritime Industry. Aqua Nederland and Maintenance NEXT were a perfect opportunity to make valuable new contacts in the water sector and maintenance sector. We are excited about the possibilities […]
Smart leak detection: find and fix leaks

If you work with compressed air, you know it’s anything but free. Even the smallest leaks can add up to high costs. They are often only noticeable when they expand. But how many euros have been blown away in the meantime? “The higher the pressure, the greater the air loss and the unnecessary costs. In […]
Scaling prevention in zinc sulfate pipework

One of the most costly aspects of a production process is the interruption of work due to unexpected maintenance. Clogged pipework and plate coolers are a chronic problem for the process industry. Scaling, but also biofouling, lead to more downtime and costly cleaning activities. These additional costs are often already included in a special budget, […]
LSC is hiring!

LSC is looking for a new colleague! Do you have a technical background and/or aptitude for technology and would you like to join our team? Please read further below. Intro Lamers System Care B.V. is a young organization with a close-knit team that values quality and a high level of service. We sell and install […]
Ultrasonic on Environment list 2023

The Ultrasonic Antifouling System is on the Environmental List MIA/VAMIL 2023 of the RVO. With this you can qualify for a serious investment deduction that can amount to 45% MIA / 75% VAMIL when purchasing the ultrasonic system. You can find the ultrasonic system under code F3333. MIA With the Environmental Investment Deduction (MIA) you […]