Hull fouling – a silent invasion Paul Fanning asks whether hull fouling could represent as big an environmental threat as untreated ballast water As everyone must by now know, the Ballast Water Management Convention was first devised as a response to the dangers of invasive foreign species being introduced in waters where they could do untold damage to native species. […]
Subsea industries welcomes tau research into hull biofouling

A study into the extent to which biofouling on ships’ hulls is contributing to the spread of invasive aquatic species in the Mediterranean Sea – a phenomenon commonly associated with ship ballasting operations – has been welcomed by Belgium-based marine coatings supplier Subsea Industries. According to recent research published by Tel Aviv University’s School of […]
Lamers System Care at the Marine Maintenance World Expo 2017

Visit Lamers System Care during Marine Maintenance World Expo 2017 in Amsterdam RAI. Please visit us at booth M4048 and let us explain everything you need to know for avoiding biofilm, growth and algeas on hulls, in (box) coolers and on propellers! For more information, please visit
LSCare op Maritime Industry 2017

Lamers System Care zal net als vorig jaar weer aanwezig zijn op de Maritime Industry. Deze vindt plaats op 9, 10, 11 mei 2017 bij Evenementenhal Gorinchem. Wij staan u hier graag persoonlijk te woord en kunnen u alles uitleggen over anti-fouling oplossingen. Ga voor meer info naar de website van Evenementenhal Gorinchem.
Action needed to reduce alien invasions from biofouling, says UK P&I Club

Shipowners should take action to reduce the impact of invasive aquatic species (IAS) carried by hull biofouling, according to a statement issued today by the UK P&I Club. It is a summary of advice the club first published in its Legal Update series of papers in November, prepared by Madlene Wangrau, a post-graduate researcher on […]